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2003-05-13 - 9:33 a.m.

Ever realized how much water can be a powerful aphrodiac? Well the secret is it can be. It can cause a cold feeling as it drips down on your skin, yet can make you heat up at the same time.

Water can be a lover. It can caress you, touch every part of your body that you let it touch. Just from closing your eyes you can imagine little fingers sliding down every curve on your body so eroticly. Gravity taking its time as it glides down you.

What I just decribed is just a shower.

Now a baths little differnt. A bath is when your whole bodys being held. A bath can make passionate love to you if you think about it. For a woman for example. Take in a deep breath and watch as your breast rise above the water. Feel the drops spread down from the highest part of your nipples. Bussom exposed to the cool air, water dripping down in ever direction till the droplets of water reaches the rest of the water.

i'll explain the rest later. i gotta go.


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